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Sherwood Park

Sherwood Park, a large hamlet located outside of Edmonton, Alberta. The community is full of rich and well dressed faggots. If you go to ABJ you're gay, if you go to SAL you're really gay and if you go to Facey you're not as gay but still gay. Everyone is white and if you're friends with a black kid you have mad clout. The average kid in Sherwood Park has a Breeze, Joggers, Champion hoodie, NMD's and a fuckboy haircut. Kings players run this shit and get major clout and hella pussy. If you dont have 800+ followers on Instagram no one has heard of you. The average thot's snap streaks mainly consist of the Champion logo, Kings logo (big thot) or her and her friends flexing an empty can of Palm Bay. Shoutout to Charles, the main event of Sherwood Park. With his entertaining snap stories and edgy memes he's what keeps this community from dying.

"yo meet up at baseline dons"
"In sherwood park?"
"you knoooow"

by ImBrokeButStillBoolin September 25, 2018

65👍 24👎