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A fucking obnoxious, piece of shit word used by fucking obnoxious, piece of shit little kids who think they know anything about the world but in reality, all they know is New World Order brainwashing and Luciferian Illuminati symbolism that they see in ridiculous music videos, causing them to flash Luciferian occult gang signs they don't even understand and speak utterances like “SWAG, YOLO!” instead of speaking English words. When asked what the fuck this even means, they will continue speaking some more indoctrinated Common Core occult incantations—again, they are unaware of this—while applying their Egyptian-themed winged eyeliner to look like some stupid Lady Gaga whore.

My annoying cunt of a little sister walked by my room and instead of saying “hi” or something like an actual person, she just goes “SWAG!” and does like this Eye of Horus hand sign… god, my sister is a stupid little cunt.

by ImGonnaPutAStopToThis October 9, 2014

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