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When a mate likes a girl but doesn't make a move for a while and he ends up just being a friend. When this happens girls usually know you like them later in but just use you for emotional thrills and to boost their Tyrannosaurus Rex ego. Soon enough a guy with steel balls will swoop down and take the girl you spent all that precious time on. Now there are 6 signs you're in the friendzone:
1. She can never make time for you.
2. She takes 2 hours to respond to a text.
3. You always have to start your convos.
4. She says she's busy. EVEN ONCE if she ever says this never talk with her again, will save you a lot of time.
5. She only hangs out with you when her other friends are around.
6. She flirts with you but never makes a move(only talks with you to flirt.)

Todd: What's up Sam!
*Sam ignores Todd and makes out with her boyfriend Thomas*
Todd was confused he used to talk with Sam every day and he swore she was starting to like him. But it was an illusion and Sam knew Todd would stay there for her since he is in love with her and she needs her emotional toilet paper for the breakup. Girls always have a guy in the friendzone to hear them bitch.

by ImSoNEW May 17, 2017

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What you say in celebration of something amazing you did. Said with great emphasis and pride.

Gary: Hey Harry guess what!
Harry: what?
Gary: I won a million dollars
Gary and Harry Simutaneously: RAZAMOFF!

by ImSoNEW May 5, 2018

tfw no girlfriend

Much more than a feel, an underlying truth you have to ignore by watching anime or playing games. It is when you have fully come around to acknowledge that women don't like you, even after you have tried your best, you've thrown away your time for many of em, and still, none of those ladies liked you, or cared for that matter. This term was invented for wizards, incels, and bots, but it has gained some recognition from your average shitty norman who complains about going a year without a girlfriend when the lot of us have never had a female even dare to throw attention at us. Females & normans mostly think this is just a meme but it is much more for the real breathing males out there who feel dead inside without any female encounters or attention for that matter. They don't know what it's like for a man to be isolated from a gender for so long.

Normie Anon:>I miss my gf.... tfw no girlfriend
Anon: Least you had a girlfriend dickface, which obviously means you have the ABILITY to get another one. BTFO normtard

by ImSoNEW July 1, 2018

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Military Pussy

Some old stank ass pussy thatҀ™s as worn out as a gym sock. Commonly found among female military personnel looking to rank up.

Ace: Bro, being in the marines is so fucking awesome, I canҀ™t wait to hit on some Navy chicks!
Ted: Woah there private, thatҀ™s military pussy, are you trying to catch AIDS AND a false rape accusation?
Ace: Guess IҀ™ll just stick to strippers...

by ImSoNEW April 29, 2020

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Girl Friend

Notice the space between girl and friend before you read this.
A Really "Nice" girl who would like to be in your life as your friend, and nothing more or less. Literally just a friend. It literally gets that good, and if you're lucky she'll come at the right time when you're lonely and looking for a girlfriend and think she's interested but nope, she felt bad for your ass and is coming to be your "friend". Which introduces you into the 666th level of hell in which you get the spotlight of listening to her bitch all day instead of getting Pussy, but it's better than nothing right? No, it isn't, have some respect for yourself, that bitch will find another desperate guy as soon as you decide you're tired of her.

Valerie:"Hey Ron! What's up :)"
*Ron is slightly excited because he hasn't had female contact in two decades*
Ron: "O hey :>"
*After a week of talking with Valerie casually Ron decides to get her number because she treats him like the last girl he dated 24 years ago*
Ron:"Hey Valerie, you're pretty cool, we should keep in touch, whats your number?"
Valerie:"Oh, uh I don't really like you like that Ron. I thought we were friends, I'll give you my number though, here, we can talk later :D."


That is a raw example of what a girl friend is. Notice how in her second sentence she gives him a little hope at the end. Always watch for that.

by ImSoNEW April 24, 2018

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Mormon Smile

A smile that seem very genuine from a mormon, when you first see one of these you will be mesmerized and might fall in love. Little do you know though they give that same smile to everyone and for some reason it is very prevalent in mormons, it is a big wide smile, it's like you can see their pupils smiling themselves when they even grin very elated and proud. Do not trust it at all, I'm not sure why, but they have something to be celebrate every second. Especially if it's from that girl you like, no, she doesn't like you, yes. She gives that same smile to every guy, especially the guy passing on the street.

Tom: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod
Liam: What.
Tom: That girl, ally, when I said hey to her she gave me the biggest smile for a whole ten seconds.
Liam: Dude you know she's Mormon right?
Tom: Nah, what does that have to do with anything?
Liam: All mormon girls have that "Mormon Smile" thing, where they smile really big to everyone they notice, even if by some insane luck she did like you, do you really wanna be Mormon?
Tom: Pshh being mormon is probably like being Christian or Catholic, Imma shoot my shot.
Liam: Ok man don't come crying to me when you get rejected...
*** Tom ended up being led on by Ally and eventually got the truth that she doesn't like him after 10 years***

by ImSoNEW May 20, 2018

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When two people try pursuing a relationship and run into a road bump where one knows what's going on and the other is confused and could jump to conclusions. A lot of relationships end like this sadly.

Joe: Why were you with Christian?

Vivienne: Are you jealous?

Joe: you're damn right I am, I loved you, you could of at least told me you weren't interested when we dated.

Vivienne: *no comment*

Joe: It's over, good riddance, now you can be with Christian.

Vivienne didn't know how to settle this misunderstanding resulting in heartbreak.

by ImSoNEW February 26, 2016

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