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a dumb mother fucking bitch that can text his ex bestfriend for shit and when he do its dry ass fuck. Tony is a cunt POINT BLANK PERIOD

friend: WTF my boyfriend can text me for shit
me: oh hes a tony
friend: ONGGGG

by Imherbsfff November 17, 2019

1👍 2👎


Summer is beautiful like (goddamn) usually has a friend ALAYLA. Stubborn,pretty,high confidence, ect..

Likes a boy with their first letter D
(Not snitching on her she told me)

Likes slime (she kept asking for it)
Has a lot of friends
The annoying funny
Has a lot of brothers

Hangs with boys alot because she dont like to hang out with girls bc thier to girly

And again I say this SHE FINE

If you dont have a summer in your life too bad cause she can make you smile anytime

Most boys like her and dont want to admit it and the boys who do are to confident and need a chill pill

Boy-hey summer wyd
Boy-i like you and your so pretty and I want you to be my girlfriend
Summer🤤-*laughs*YEET YOU THOUGHT

by Imherbsfff September 22, 2018

5👍 3👎