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For sure the coolest and funniest person you will ever meet, who also gives great hugs.

"I love Bruke with all my heart"
"Who doesn't?"

by Imnotusingmyrealname October 9, 2012

19👍 8👎


A perversion of the word 'Nigger" by a black person. White people cannot pronounce this correctly. Best used by the character 'Pinky' in the film 'Next Friday.'

Pinky: points a gun to Craig's head Don't move! Or I'll blow your goddamn head smooth off. Now back up. Slowly! Don't say a word.
Craig Jones: But I was jus...
Pinky: cuts Craig off I said don't say a word!
Pinky: giggles Little muthafucka gonna try and rob me. Well I'ma show you how we do it here in Pinky's *Nyuckah*.

by Imnotusingmyrealname October 16, 2009

12👍 1👎