Source Code

Perfect Dark Zero

THe next installment of Perfect Dark, early rumors have said that this game will begin after the origional Perfect Dark, but you will transport back in time to before the origional game. Still these are early rumors. Expected to come out on Xbox but possiably an Xbox 2 launch title.

GoldenEye 2 is the next insatllment of GoldenEye, however Perfect Dark Zero is made by Rareware the same company that made the Origional Perfect Dark and Goldeneye.

by Impstrong April 22, 2004

4👍 25👎

Xbox 2

The Next Gen Xbox console system. As of April 2004 expected to have a varient of the G5 processor, gigabit ethernet, a larger harddrive, ATi graphics, even though they should stick with nVIDIA, and the possiability of a TiVo function.

Xbox ruled Xbox 2 will be even better!

by Impstrong April 22, 2004

23👍 33👎

Microsoft Game Studios

The team at Microsoft that works on publishing Games for the Xbox and PC that Microsoft sees fit to sponsor and put their money behind.

They produce Counter Strike, for Xbox and are incharge of Rareware.

by Impstrong April 22, 2004

32👍 11👎


The British game developer, that came out with the two best FPS games untill Halo Finally one upped them. GoldenEye and Perfect Dark. Now officially owned by Microsoft Game Studios they are expected to produce Perfect Dark Zero which might be held as a launch title for Xbox 2

If you need an example then your not a Gamer

by Impstrong April 22, 2004

59👍 23👎