See P.C.V. (Probable Cause Vehicle)
For a definition of Probable Cause Vehicle, see P.C.V. (Probable Cause Vehicle)
4👍 4👎
The canned/tinned mystery meat that appeared in the movie Waterworld.
Society is so FUBAR in that movie, that the people actually look forward to being able to eat it.
The makers of Spam must have known that Waterworld was going to be box office poison, because they didn't even want the product placement/endorsement. The movie producers ended up using a cheesy rip-off called "Smeat" instead.
In a time of celebration, Dennis Hopper's character threw cans of Smeat to his crew - and, strangely enough, they didn't run for their lives.
43👍 78👎
P.C.V. = "Probable Cause Vehicle"
This is a vehicle that is just begging to be pulled over by the police either because of the car, itself, the passengers, or the behavior of the car and/or passengers. Often has a lot to do with the location of the car at the time. This, itself, will give the cops all they need to legally wrangle even an undeserved pull-over and search into a lawful bust of the occupants.
Any number of things can cause a car to be a P.C.V. - most have to do with the environment in which the particular car is found. A P.C.V. might not be a P.C.V. in one place, but becomes one in another. In other words, wrong vehicle in the wrong place.
It is possible for a P.C.V. to be a P.C.V. everywhere, though.
If you find yourself in a PCV, don't bitch at the police for pulling you over. They're doing their job and you were probably being a moron. Automobile profiling is an effective law enforcement tool.
That beat up panel van with Florida tags full of Latinos doing exactly a double nickel on the New Jersey Turnpike is the classic P.C.V. (high probability of running drugs to NYC).
Your AMC Pacer with the bondo quarter-panels and the primer paint-job was fine in Newark (NJ), but it became a P.C.V. as soon as you entered Bergen County.
P.C.V. Alert! Homey with the humps in the trunk cruising the burbs is going to get treated like Rodney King.
Poor Trevor...didn't realize that driving his daddy's Beamer to 118th Street to score some blow put him in the hot-seat of a P.C.V. Now he's AFU and SOL.
Cheech and Chong's hippie-filled van with the expired tags leaving a trail of purple haze behind it would be a P.C.V. no matter where it is.
17👍 11👎
P.C.V. = "Probable Cause Vehicle"
This is a vehicle that is just begging to be pulled over by the police either because of the car, itself, the passengers, or the behavior of the car and/or passengers. Often has a lot to do with the location of the car at the time. This, itself, will give the cops all they need to legally wrangle even an undeserved pull-over and search into a lawful bust of the occupants.
Any number of things can cause a car to be a P.C.V. - most have to do with the environment in which the particular car is found. A P.C.V. might not be a P.C.V. in one place, but becomes one in another. In other words, wrong vehicle in the wrong place.
It is possible for a P.C.V. to be a P.C.V. everywhere, though.
If you find yourself in a PCV, don't bitch at the police for pulling you over. They're doing their job and you were probably being a moron. Automobile profiling is an effective law enforcement tool.
That beat up panel van with Florida tags full of Latinos doing exactly a double nickel on the New Jersey Turnpike is the classic P.C.V. (high probability of running drugs to NYC).
Your AMC Pacer with the bondo quarter-panels and the primer paint-job was fine in Newark (NJ), but it became a P.C.V. as soon as you entered Bergen County.
P.C.V. Alert! Homey with the humps in the trunk cruising the burbs is going to get treated like Rodney King.
Poor Trevor...didn't realize that driving his daddy's Beamer to 118th Street to score some blow put him in the hot-seat of a P.C.V. Now he's AFU and SOL.
Cheech and Chong's hippie-filled van with the expired tags leaving a trail of purple haze behind it would be a P.C.V. no matter where it is.
11👍 16👎
See P.C.V. (Probable Cause Vehicle)
For a definition of PCV, see P.C.V. (Probable Cause Vehicle)
3👍 8👎
A so-called computer favored by the following groups of people:
- Dweebs that have been going to college for more than 6 years straight. They have lost all touch with the real world and have quite possible gone insane from consuming too many Ramen noodles.
- Dweeb faggots. They like the purple ones.
- Dweeb faggot hippies. Socks with Birkenstock sandals. Says all you need to know. I guess you can be stoned for four decades straight and still figure out a Mac.
- Dweeb faggot hippie leftists in the media. They see their friends use 'em and therefore got to have one themselves. Groupthink is what they are all about. These are the types that usually reside on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
- Dweeb faggot hippy leftists in Hollywood (directors and celebritards, especially). If Apple actually had the market share portrayed by movies and television (90% of them seem to use Macs), they would be stomping the PC market into the ground (but they are not). Of course, since Hollywood almost never gets current technology correct ("Jack Bauer needs a socket!"), we know they are full of shit about Macs, too.
Fagboy says, "Hey, at least my Macintosh has never gotten a virus." Put a foot in Fagboy's ass and tell him, "Spending the time to write a virus for a Mac is like releasing a movie on BetaMax tape."
Fagboy says, "Macintosh is better for design/desktop publishing." Tell Fagboy, "Get your head out of your 1994 ass. PC has caught up to and surpassed Macs in every area in which Mac used to have an advantage."
Fagboy says, "I like the games for Macintosh." Tell Fagboy, "STFU and quit pretending to like playing Sim City 2000 because you have no other choices."
Fagboy says, "Macintosh is easy to use." Tell Fagboy, "So is your mother, but I would be embarrassed to get caught on camera doing it."
Macintosh sucks. 'nuff said.
67👍 54👎
Convenience store based in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
The chain does derive its name from the town of Wawa, PA, where the dairy that supplies the stores resides. However, contrary to a number of "definitions" on this site, the term "Wawa" is not an onomatopoeia for goose noise and such. The town of Wawa (as with many, many places in the United States) got its name from the American Indians that resided there. In this case, the tribe was known as the Lenni (LEN-eye) Lenape (LEN-uh-pee). According to the corporate site (and anybody who grew up in the area and has paid attention): "'Wawa' is a Lenni Lenape Indian word for the Canada Goose that was found in the Delaware Valley (area where PA/NJ/DE come together), that's why we use the goose on Wawa's corporate logo."
This store is superior for a number of reasons:
- No-fee ATM's in every store (assuming your bank doesn't charge for transactions).
- Most are open 24/7.
- Milk and cigarette prices are generally the lowest that they are allowed to charge by law (given price controls and taxes).
- Capable employees. Rarely rude and always English-speaking. Many people have made a career out of working for Wawa...they also have a well respected management track program.
- Fresh and delicious sandwiches and prepared food (soups, meatballs, stuffed soft pretzels, breakfast sandwiches, etc...)
- "Super" Wawa stores...have gasoline and are generally 2 or 3 times bigger than normal ones. These are usually in high-traffic/travel areas (i.e. highway exits) and have clean bathrooms. Going north on I-95, you'll generally see these right off the highway exits starting around Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Our road trip from Virginia to Philly would have gone a lot faster if the jackasses we were with didn't insist on stopping at every Wawa along the way.
993👍 128👎