An idol unit group from the anime Ensemble Stars!!, and hit game Ensemble Stars!! Basic and Ensemble Stars!! Music, by HappyElements.
The character for "aka" (ç´
) means crimson or scarlet, while the character "tsuki" (æ) stands for the moon. "akatsuki" (æ), meaning dawn or daybreak.
A traditional Japanese-style musical unit led by Keito Hasumi, along with its memberd Kuro Kiryu and Souma Kanzaki. AKATSUKI is reserved in providing fanservice. As being serious and righteous, AKATSUKI prefers media opportunities including commentators, radio personalities, roles in drama or movie, and other culture-oriented work. The theme color is red. Akatsuki is affiliated with an agency known as Rythm Link.
Originally, Keito chose the name to showcase their role in The War: the moonlight that reflects the brilliant light that is Eichi. However, as AKATSUKI's role changed, its meaning became different as well. For this unit, this name symbolises the dawn of a new beginning.
A: which unit do you produce in Ensemble Stars!! Music?
B: i produce Akatsuki. Their songs are really nice to listen to!