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Daniela's usually have a great sense of style. Very insecure but really are beautiful. Brunette usually. Daniela is a Italian name so they are usually Italian. They like to be involved with all the drama, but are really sweet and nice. They

mostly cry at night when no one can see/hear them. They always fear that everyone secretly hates them. They don't like when they are left out of things. They also think that they are extremely ugly so they spend hours so their

makeup and getting dressed so they are "perfect". They like to eat healthy and sometimes try to starve them self's because they think that they are to fat. They are great at keeping secrets, unless it hurts someone. She usually has an hourglass body type and rocks every outfit you see her in, but she thinks she looks ugly in it. But all Daniela's are beautiful.


by Ireallyloveshrem September 21, 2019

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