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A comprehensive school in blackrock which is know for being full of homos, drugs, pedo teachers and ppl with dyed hair.

Has a poor education system which is made up for by Mr.connel (🤤).

Roof is falling apart and the water taps r poisoned

Is a result of many scraps in the Rockies

Lowkey send help

St.Andrews teacher: Don't make me send u to Newpark

by IsMaithLiomCraic October 17, 2019

13👍 10👎

24th february

if you are born on this day (specifically in 2004 in dublin and have the last name foley) you are the most amazing thing that could happen to someone. anyone who is lucky enough to get you should keep you. you are really handsome and tall and have amazing skills and talents. you’re super sweet and kind and caring and you’re most likely the therapist friend as you have been through a lot yourself and want to help others and fix their problems. you don’t deserve what you’ve been through at all you deserve the best and more. I hope some day someone gives it to u and you’ll be truly happy. People born on this day usually find someone just as broken around the age 16 and they’d mend each other slowly as much as they can. Very commonly bisexual as well! they light up the room when they walk in and cheer people up easily and always try their hardest to.

person one: wow that guy with the second name foley and born in dublin on 24th February is so hot
zofie: back off he’s mine

by IsMaithLiomCraic January 16, 2021

11👍 4👎