A entertainment group founded by three friends who loved getting hammmered together. Often referred to as the best party group in Isla Vista CA!!
Dez: What are we doing on Friday night?
Ali: We are getting hammmered at the HammmerHouse duh!!
Rana: I love the quesadillas they make!!
Hammmered is a term founded by The Hammmerhouse club of isla vista, which means to party hard. Usually referencing partying at the Hammmerhouse club events.
Nicholas: What are we doing this Friday night?
Benny: weâre all getting hammmered!
Luis: I donât want to get hammmered, because Iâm making quesadillas that night.
To party hard on a weekend night after a long, stressful week. (This activity usually takes place at events thrown by The Hammmerhouse club in Isla Vista CA.
The Hammmer House club in isla vista is soo fun, everyone was so hammmered at their last event!