Source Code

1pm on a Monday

1pm on a Monday is a time that many words or phrases can not be said as is will make you turn into a shbamsical.

A- I’m chraaosing
B-A! Stop
A- oh no it’s 1pm on a Monday.

by Itellthetruthpeeps September 5, 2019


RiJ is the name for when you are talking to someone that makes you feel rage and you want to shout but you can’t. People that make you feel rijjed usually are annoying. You use this word as either a name (I hate rij) or as rijjed (I feel rijjed)

A:omg (speaks in annoying)
B: aaghhhh
C: r u ok b

C: oh I hate rij

by Itellthetruthpeeps July 21, 2019

8👍 6👎


Yip is an abstract noun for the feeling when you are happy/ excited/ want to party.It is not usually used in the same way as happy it is used like the word yay. For example-

(Arrives at party)
A: yip yip
B: yip yip lets party

by Itellthetruthpeeps July 18, 2019

26👍 8👎


Chraaosing Is the verb for the feeling when you can’t get your cough out, it is pronounced KRAY-OH-SING and it can NEVER be used at 1pm on a Monday.

A- (coughs continuously)

B- Omg are you chraaosing
A- B! It’s 1pm on Monday!

by Itellthetruthpeeps September 5, 2019

Strawberries are red get over it

This is a simple phrase that you should remember as you will find it helpful in later life. If you are offended by the fact that strawberries are red, please get over it because it is a fact that they are red! If you disagree with this please get support.

A: strawberries are green, I will not settle for anything else
B: umm no they are not
A: what
B: strawberries are red get over it!

by Itellthetruthpeeps July 18, 2019

10👍 1👎


A shbamicsal is like an animal however it has an emotion/ feeling/ personality property at the begging. You would use this the exact same as you would use the word animal.

A: what is a hapuar
B: A shbamicsal
A: ahhh I love shbamicsals

by Itellthetruthpeeps September 5, 2019

So coplem

So coplem is a different way of saying no problem. It is usually used as a response to tank do.

A:tank do!
B: so coplem!!!

by Itellthetruthpeeps July 21, 2019