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Floonky Woonky

A Floonky Woonky (also commonly known as FlonkoWonko) is a method of torture and execution in which the victim is tied to the ground with their testicles hanging as the executioner says « Floonky Woonky ».
The victim is let loose after a few hours, but even if no physical harm was done, they are haunted by the traumatic memory that is Floonky Woonky.

-Damn, I just learned that Floonky Woonky was inflicted to my veteran grandpa during the Viet war!
- Lmao he got f l o n k e d

by IwillMunchOnYourCorpse July 24, 2022

Mountain Dew Tradwife

Mountain Dew Tradwife, or MDT for short, is an ultra christian propaganda project. Created in 2001, after the September 11 attacks, commonly known as 9/11, to protect the US citizens, MDT has been known to the public thanks to some controversies regarding it’s instagram DMs.
« I hate minorities », MDT texted in a pornographic group chat fetishizing people with dwarfism (its ok tho she’s just a silly girl).

I’ve been targeted by Mountain Dew Tradwife: Im going to hand myself.

Mountain Dew Tradwife is blond

« :3 »

by IwillMunchOnYourCorpse July 24, 2022

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