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Used as an adjective, the poor fellow prescribed with suffering from this, has eaten enough pepperoni pizzas from Pizza Hut to have a heart burn and bowel-eruption combo in less than a few hours.

It can be suppressed by a full retreat to the nearest restroom or a violent chain reaction of flatulence. If not suppressed, the worst symptom is usually the everlasting diarrhea, which will most likely burn like hell from the pepperoni and spices.

Friend: "Woah, you look horrible!"

"Yeah, I've had a little Hut-burn goin' on since yesterday. Gotta tell ya man, NO ONE, out-pizza's the Hut."

by J-Thatch December 6, 2016


A gaming adjective used to describe a room or space that is devised to prepare the player for the next level or stage, by being full of useful items to restock the player. This also unintentionally warns them of an eminent battle or boss fight.

Player: "Bro, this room is over-looted with ammo and med kits!"

Player 2: "thinking what I'm thinking?"


by J-Thatch October 25, 2017


The irrational fear of objects capable of popping or exploding. This includes but is not limited to, propane tanks, gasoline, oxygen, fireworks, weapons, and even balloons.

His explosiphobia intesified at the sight of the balloon animals

by J-Thatch November 10, 2019


A videogame-inspired adjective, describing a place between two opposing paths, of which you will encounter death in either one. The term is best used when a player or person is stuck directly center of a pathway with only two entry points, and will encounter enemies from both directions, leading to their demise.

This term is actually useful to other teammates or friends, as it describes the situation, and their help can be the only way out.

"oh shit! Guys I'm stuck in a Necro-twin! If I go left, that sniper will kill me! If I go right, there's a guy waiting for me to pop out and I'll get shot up!!"

Friend: "I'll get the sniper, run when I say it's clear!"

by J-Thatch June 1, 2018


An electric guitar by Fender that plays better the harder and louder you play. But in the amazing world of slang, this term can also be used to describe a noun that improves with rough treatment.

"Those two have a sort of weird, Starcaster kind of love. It's like, he whips her, and she loves him a little more every time. I'll never understand love."

"dude, it's porn. BDSM is NOT about love."

by J-Thatch December 29, 2017

choke an eagle

Did gangster rap make you do it? This phrase defines how you are willing to do something very illegal (or very controversial, or both) for a positive outcome, typically something that is more important than the evil being done.

"I'm raw as a dirty needle, choke an eagle, just to feed all my people."

"Gangster Rap Made Me Do It" - Ice Cube

by J-Thatch March 4, 2022