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A condition in which there isn't alot of space to move around. The word is used when one's balls hurt from being squished in the backseat of a car,when a large man can't fit somewhere, etc.

"Dang, there's alot of not-space in this car."
"Whoa, you have a Honda Civic...dude, I'm like 300 pounds...that's some not-space waiting to happen."

by J3rr0d August 11, 2005

4👍 3👎


French for 'by jove'. Great for when someone tells you something interesting.

Woman: Je suis fou de toi.
Man: Parbleu!

by J3rr0d August 11, 2005

24👍 13👎


Small landlocked country in Southeast Asia.
A poor country that was ruled by a corrupt communist government.
Many people came from Laos to America for refuge...hooray.
Commonly confused for Chinese or Japanese people.

"So are you Chinese or Japanese?"
"I'm from Laos, stupid, a small landlocked country in Southeast Asia."
"So...are you Chinese or Japanese?"

by J3rr0d August 11, 2005

505👍 151👎


A redneck word created by Jeff Foxworthy. Refers to "in your window".

"Hey man I just saw a bird fly inuendo."

by J3rr0d August 11, 2005

147👍 350👎