Source Code

Main Line

Technichally the Main Line is a raliroad that runs from Philadelphia to the suburbs surrounding it including Bryn Mawr, Gladwyne, and Haverford.

The Main Line has always been full of WASPs and old money who belong to Merion Cricket and send their kids to expensive private schools. Recently the area has become infested with Juicy wearing, gum chewing, hair flipping J.A.P.s.

On each corner is a Starbucks filled with obnoxious people buying their 5 dollar coffee. On every road is a mercedes with an old blonde women tlaking on her cell and sparkling her large diamond rings in the sun.

The houses are massive and are cleaned buy cleaningladies adn the few "butlers". Each garage is filled with luxury cars.

The Main Line is a fun place to be if you fit in and have money. If you have you'll fit in. There is not much to it. If you overthink it you'll never get it.

The Main Line is the best place on earth. If you are

c)a WASP
d)are rich
e)enjoy golfing, playing tennis, and dining at fancy resteraunt and exclusive country clubs.
f)enjoy spending time laughing at obnoxious people who think that everyone is looking at them

I live on the Main Line and love it because i am rich, jappy, enjoy laughing at obnoxious people, and like playing tennis and eating lunch at my country club.

by JAP May 29, 2004

461👍 207👎


A word meaning good friend, or meaning friends

Man Lay off my dozoofus!, Me and Tom is Dozoofus

by JAP April 22, 2004

web site

(1)a place where people put stuff on the internet so that others may view it
(2)one's own little corner of the internet


by JAP July 28, 2003


(1)one who becomes overly attached to one person in a romantic way; (2)one who romanticly wants another with whom they will not be; (3)one who wishes to date an ex but not get the opportunity to do so; (4)one who again has feelings towoard an old romantic intrest in a subconscious effort to gain attention or have some one to love.

Rose is such a flim for John; she keeps holding out hope when it will not happen.

by JAP July 27, 2003

44👍 26👎


1. the happy jumpy feeling you get that causes you to smile uncontrolably.
2. the way birds and other animals act during mating season (as seen in Bambi)

1. Vianne gets twitterpated when Marcos touches her cheak.
2. "The birds gettin all twitterpated," said the owl. (Disney's Bambi really is a good movie.)

by JAP March 2, 2004

840👍 398👎