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its chomorro from the island of guam not pinoy, tagalu (filipino), or any other asian descent that you ignorant people feel like you know you can call us. we have our own background and traditions that go back centuries to when the spanish armada was cruising around. (dont believe me look it up yourself.) ill admit we look asian but we are far from it, we are to lazy and kick back and to rough when it comes down to it. the island of guam is also modernized so were not 3rd world remember were part of the U.S. and we have military bases there. WE are very proud people and prefer to be called by our rightful nationality and if you insist on calling us asian or filipino go ahead but dont do it in front of us or youll regret....Trust me (warning).

Chamorro ME!!!!

by JFT671 February 11, 2009

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