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the most beautiful women in the world

Who do you think you are, Wisam? biotch

by JJ January 3, 2005

65πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

new jersey

A great place with mostly friendly people. South Jersey is lovely. Lots of expensive Housing developments. Lots of pretty little victortian towns too. Theres nothing like the Jersey Shore or Jersey Tomatoes! Lots of emo is from Jersey. Jersey has a good local punk scene, ive heard too.

Mmm Jersey Tomatoes.

by JJ January 21, 2004

199πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž


n. occupation name.
A man who works at home for his family, cleaning, cooking, (rearing children,) etc., esp. one who does not work outside of the home.

This is a back-formation derived from housewife and a blending with husband (no pun here, purely linguistics) The e in the base house- is omitted to make the noun masculine. The new base hous- blends with husband, oh la la...you get a housband.

^^ : "I've always wanta be a housband growing up. You know...a professional stay-at-home-dad!"

-_-: "Ha...I knew it...i always suspect you as a queer boy."

by JJ March 21, 2005

24πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

when in rome

The full phrase is "When in Rome, do as the Roman's do." But it has become shortened so often, some people don't get it anymore. It's an analogy making use of the strict rule of the ancient Roman empire, and synonomous with "Going with the flow," or doing something because everyone else is doing it.

"Hey, thanks for coming to my party. Do you want a beer?" Said Joe.

"When in Rome," Bob exclaimed, as he poored beer into his cup.

by JJ March 16, 2004

1344πŸ‘ 317πŸ‘Ž

Bill Clinton

The blackest president we had so far.

by JJ November 6, 2003

42πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž


Adjective. Filth, Gashness, Dirty as never seen before. General grime, situations of discomfort due to high levels of mud and/or dirt.

Noun- Jub (Jubs).

That is completely Jubby. Oh God.

What is it? Hash? No, im afraid it is just a bit of jub.

by JJ February 14, 2005

56πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


another name for a lung/bong made of half a bottle and and bag

sort us out a phat creamy bagpipe, dave....

by JJ January 5, 2004

10πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž