A strapping young lad with a devil may-care attitude and a song in his heart. Snatcher of sandwiches, swigger of protein shakes, and the left hand of god.
Lets go to Safeway with adamthehorse!
Hmmm, nah, I'd rather beat up infidel Indians with adamthehorse
46π 12π
big lump of a car made in the 70's.
"Nice car, what is it?"
"It's a gordon keeble"
4π 2π
big lump of a man made in the 1970's.
"Who's THAT?!"
"It's gordon keeble"
4π 3π
nasty 'meat' eaten by old people, allegedly made out of Argintinian horses
15π 38π
If you don't like something, DON'T FREAKING READ IT!!!
This is gross, I think I shall stop reading it...
7π 8π