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A term used to refer to a Young Urban Professional.

Yuppies generally meet all or most of the following criteria:

1. Generally white males in their 20's and 30's but women and other races are possible.

2. Have college degree(s) or IT certifications.

3. Live within city limits of a major city or at least a town with a very high standard of living. Yuppies either rent expensive town-homes or condominiums or own a house that costs at least 2 times the median selling price of homes in the area.

4. Yuppies are rarely found in the country as Yuppies have a fear of dirt and insects or doing anything that requires manual labor.

5. Insist on driving expensive new cars. Favorites are BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, Infinity, Range Rover and Acura. Many Yuppies refuse to keep a car more than 2 or 3 years before trading it in for a new model of the same car or something more expensive.

6. Yuppies wear expensive designer clothes

7. Yuppies regard personal appearance above all

8. Yuppies prefer not to get married but most maintain a live in girlfriend/boyfriend/fling.

9. Although Yuppies like to flaunt wealth they are also cheap skates and will not offer to buy friends drinks at bars or pick up the tab at the restaurant.

10. Yuppies usually make a salary that is far higher than the work they do is actually worth.

11. Above all, Yuppies are generally rude to other people and look down on anyone who appears to be "below" them.

That Yuppie just drove up in his BMW, got out his lint comb for his designer shirt before going into the 5 star restaurant with his prissy girlfriend...

by JL01 January 14, 2011

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