Known as Free to Play, it is also a popular term used in the popular first person shooter game, Team Fortress 2. F2P defines players who are new to the game and are not well experienced. When Team Fortress 2 became Free to Play on 2011, F2P players recieve a free hat called the Ghostly Gibus along with Pyrovision Goggles. Since F2P players are unable to trade and recieve new hats, the Ghostly Gibus and the Pyrovision Goggles are the only cosmetics to wear, unless purchasing items from the in-game store. Any player wearing the Gibus and the Pyrovision Goggles are labeled as noobs by non F2P players.
Gamer 1: "Damn, I got dominated by a noob!"
Gamer 2: "How do you know he's a noob?"
Gamer 1: "Because he's wearing the Gibus!"
Gamer 2: "Oh, so he's an F2P player!"
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