Source Code


Insufficient Funds (lack of money)

Bobby Chong is looking to buy 2 doughnuts for 50 cents each. The cashier lady says that will be; a dollar seven total. Bobby Chong whips out the B.C(Bank Card), swipes, punches in the pin and waits for the thumbs up for approval then 3 letters in Capitals show up on the machine; ISF. Cashier shakes her head in shame and pitty. Bobby curses and walks away for the counter doughnutless; and realizes that he will never step foot in another Tim Hortons again due to ISF...$1.07 damn. How embarrassing.

by JNL January 12, 2005

24👍 21👎


Insufficient Education (lack of schooling

Bobby Chong (same character from ISF) has just finished his highschool year and decides he wants to go into post-secondary. He seeks his school counselor for adivce, she looks at his transcripts, rubs her eyes once, then twice, and bursts out laughing. Bobby Chong is confused, the counselor is still laughing but this time in a sorta pitty way. She looks at him and says hunny you have ISE. Bobby Chong looks clueless and snags his transcript away from the counselor, he takes a glance without saying anything nor swearing but he has the look of embarrsement on his face,and soon a shed of tear drops. To save himself some face and dignity; Bobby Chong walks out the door with his head down and thinks to himself....."SON OF A BITCH! FIRST ISF, AND NOW ISE, I F*CKIN NEED TO RE-EVALUATE MY LIFE"

by JNL January 12, 2005

26👍 8👎