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Unlike what some dumbasses think rednecks are not uneducated, dumb people from the woods. In reality most rednecks are extremely smart but that doesn't mean they go to Harvard or Yale that means they can do things like repair a car or explain how hydraulics work unlike all you foreign car driving, city dwelling, stupid ass, mother fucking city people that couldn't change a tire on a fucking ford to save your life. Rednecks are always caring and nice people that only get mad when you stupid people decide to offend them or there family or there country. Rednecks are not alcoholics they don't constantly drink they only drink after a hard days of work unlike you lawyers and shit that don't know what that is. If it weren't for the rednecks in this world then nobody would be able to survive.

City person in a bar: ah I hate those stupid as hicks they are good for nothing.
City person on his way home:damn my wheel thingy broke now I need a tow truck
Tow truck company: um were sorry we can't attend to you right now...
The person that answered the phone was a redneck,that owns the company, that was sitting in the bar next to the city person

by JOBurn October 28, 2011

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