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Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary is a website that anyone can access. More made for teens, urban dictionary is a place to go to find the definition of slang words and phrases. Anyone can post a word and definition on Urban Dictionary without any resources. Therefore don't trust what you read on this site. This site has over 4.85 million definitions that are rated by people who visit. It was created in 1999 by Aaron Peckham when he was a freshman studying computer science at California Polytechnic State University. I personally enjoy the site because it gives me a good laugh. Some of the things people write are ridiculous. Key concept 5 is shown here- all media messages are subjective and contain values, lifestyles and points of view. The things posted on the website are posted based on someoneรขย€ย™s values and what that specific word or phrase means to them. By reading theses definitions, you are experiencing what that person thinks about the word and what it means to them.

Father- "He just sent me a text saying wtf?! What does that mean?"
Kid- "Look it up on Urban Dictionary grandpa."

by JS2010 May 15, 2010

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Urban Dictionary

Secondly, Key concept 2- all media constructions involve the use of forms, conventions and codes. Most adults would not understand some of the things posted on this website. It is definitely a thing of this generation. The things posted are slang words which can be perceived as codes. Lastly, key concept 6, different people experience the same media message differently. Thousands read these definitions a day, and all experience it differently. Some may find them rude, funny, ignorant, accurate, the list goes on. The definitions are open to interpretation.

Father- "He just sent me a text saying wtf?! What does that mean?"
Kid- "Look it up on Urban Dictionary grandpa."

by JS2010 May 15, 2010

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