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Jade <A girls name> and a type of girl you don't want to bring home to Mother,

Any girl with this name is usually a pretty girl but it's gone straight to her head. She's beautiful and she knows it and uses it to persuaded guys into doing her dirty deads.

She's liar but never get caught cause she's been doing it since childhood

Usually a "try hard" and always changing to what's in style, never has her own style.. always trying to impress and be the princess in any crowd.

She's known to be a great girl in the bedroom and is usually cause she's had LOTS of practice. Usually Bisexual also.

Jade is famously known to cheat on every guy she's with and use them. And she wont even tell you if she has a BF or GF or Husband or Wife until it's too late and your in deep and if you the one being cheated on she will have so many lies wrapped around you, you won't even know what's up and what's down, usually unaware of even being lied to cause she's just that good at it.

Known as a slut and whore and to have many STD's cause of this and also keeps that a hush secret until it's too late and this is what made her so good in bed but was she worth the risk? Beware and put on 2 rubbers for this Dirty gal.

She's that girl in school that everyone hates but is nice to her face cause she's so damn fake and phony nice but everyone knows she's an evil bitch behind the 10 pounds of make up.

by Jack-Off-Jackie March 26, 2010

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