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Post-post modernism

Also known as 'meta-modernism'. An inevitable categorical representation of our 'present' cultural age. It can be defined as a wide-ranging set of developments in critical theory, philosophy, architecture, art, literature and culture which are emerging from and reacting to post-modernism. Essentially, anyone that uses this term 95% of the time is a complete and utter pretentious and severely lost fuck-wit who views anything 'contemporary' with the same degree of fascination and reverence as anyone would today in context of artistic expressions before the 20th century. A million layers of irony and meta-observation coat the conceptual fabric of these peoples world perspective; nihilistic and empty speculations centred upon nothing comprise of their reality.

As can be deduced from the flowery and vague speculative language apparent (which is equally reflected within its actual content), meta-modernism is an aimless groping in the dark of an empty abyss, which cannot even be properly classified as a represented as 'nothingness', as it supposedly transcends all limitations of logical categories whilst at the same time remaining bound within them in a limbo state of infinite negation, construction, and the both synthesised into an infinite spiral which extends out into an unfathomable state of incalculable layers of irony.

Max: Hey Fenton, I just noticed that in your kindle library you had some post-post modernistic literature? Wtf is that shit?
Fenton: Ahh I'm glad you asked. Post-post modernism can be described in a nut-shell as an attempt of liberation of the inertia resulting from a century of modernistic idealogical naivety and cynical insincerity of its antonymous bastard child. It can be viewed as a movement in respect of transcending the super-imposed false dichotomies impressed upon our culture in hope of embracing a union of scientific-poetic synthesis and informed naivety of a magical realism of which exists -
Max: Lol wtf? What are you trying to say?
Fenton: Haha idk, it took me a couple hours to memorise and recite all the words and fuck you put me off but! I'll go from the beginning and recite this shit from scratch.
Max: Go to the fucking art-centre and you'll get all the chicks saying that shit, fuck man lets go tonight.
Fenton: Why do you think I bothered learning it cunt? Fuck yeah let's get some pussy tonight!

by Jack3t818 May 14, 2017

15👍 2👎

Layers of Irony

A term used in the current metamodernistic/internet era. Shitposting was originally "posting something bad." Literally a shitty post. Then, people started doing it ironically then, people started doing ironic shitposting ironically, and that's where things start to get weird. You're making fun of something that's making fun of something else, so it gradually became more and more absurd. The idea is it gets more absurd the more "ironic" you get, because if X makes fun of Y in an absurd way, you need to be even more absurd to make fun of X. Hence, tiers.

Reddit User: What's a good example of higher layers of irony?
Reddit Expert: For a good example of "higher levels" of irony. Above the "ironic shitposting level", there's the level where people will mock the concept of "ironic shitposting" as a childish waste of time by being more absurd or sort of "anti-circlejerking". Above this level, it begins to wrap around to mirror legitimate spam and shitposting, but framed in a way that is intentionally obvious and absurd.
Reddit Expert 2: The humour here comes from the absurdity of taking a post about decorating cakes, for example, and turning it into a post railing against white privilege. There can also be a lot of humour from the reactions of people who aren't in on the joke. Beyond this level, you have posts like the image from the OP. Posts which acknowledge the absurdity of everything I've just written by referencing the concept of irony and becoming totally non-nonsensical themselves, attempting to "out-absurd" even the most ironic forms of humour.

by Jack3t818 May 14, 2017

106👍 9👎