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A Sam is someone that you will only meet once and never want to let him go. He is the funniest person you will ever meet, and you should treasure him always. He will be there for you no matter what. You can always trust him. He is the most sweet, kind, caring, gentle and overall amazing person. Life wouldn't be worth living if you lost a Sam.

He is amazingly good looking, with soft mousey brown hair and one heck of a sexy body. He doesn't think much of himself, but will always make you feel amazing (in and out of the bedroom). He will always look after you, and if anyone were to ever hurt you, he'd be there to save you.

Once you have a Sam, do anything you can to keep him.

He is one in a million <3

Person 1: You see that boy over there?
Person 2: Yes
Person 1: He is so perfect, he makes me feel like a princess
Person 2: He's a Sam then.

by Jackie369 August 9, 2012

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