Source Code


901 is the dialing area code for Memphis Tennesse and bordering communities (which are basically memphis) everyone who commutes in the general Memphis area is from "901" the following is a list of examples that can identify most people who are from the 901 area, or characteristics about the 901 area.

Beale street is what they look forward to when they turn 21.
People from 901 understand what Makin Easy Money Pimpin Hoes In Style really stands for.
Orange Mound to Collierville they've gotta represent.
They know what real Barbecue is.
They know what Smith 7 is.
Noncannah means Autobahn
They are scared of Germantown Cops
They are proud of the number one violent crime rate memphis holds.
The tap water is like your evian.
The mayor does drugs, how hardcore is that?
They drive like they're gonna kill everyone else.
Getting drunk at weddings is pretty much required
The weather doesnt go with the season
They know how to party....the right way
They just call the Mississippi "The River."
All year long they look forward to May... because Musicfest is in May
They've had to switch the thermostat from heat to air in the same day
They can say "Take Poplar" and get anywhere from anywhere.
They know they can make it anywhere in memphis in "about 15 minutes"
201 poplar is one place no one wants to visit
everyone hates the mayor, yet somehow, they are still under the reign of King Willy
They know what VooDoo Village is.
Most memphians have never been to Graceland.
They head to walmart after a party while drunk at 5am "to get some things"
Collierville high is the biggest drug hub ever.
Orange Mound and Nutbush aren't things to be laughing about.
University of Memphis is known as Tiger High.

"Bitch please! I'm from 901"

by JadedL October 3, 2007

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