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Cartel TikTok

A cartel administrated and orchestrated by YouTuber and TikToker Beast Child. This cartel predominantly distributes Peruvian, Colombian, and Bolivian cocaine. In Beast Child's TikToks and Shorts, some members of the cartel are shown doing many tasks, such as distributing drugs, concealing drugs, and other tasks for the cartel.

"This huge drop just landed from Cartel TikTok, I heard they got some Colombian along with this Peruvian."

by Jadenettegatoenjoyer11111 August 14, 2024

Sun Tzu

When someone pulls off a deathly trick on an individual using methods used by the Art of War, Sun Tzu. These tricks often involve the use of weapons and explosives.

"That asshole Sun Tzu'd me and fucked me up badly, I was in the hospital for days!"

by Jadenettegatoenjoyer11111 August 14, 2024

William Frontflip

In 1316 in medieval Europe, John Backflip performed the first backflip without the use of witchcraft. His nemesis, William Frontflip, exiled him, believing that he had used witchcraft. William Frontflip then performed the first frontflip in 1318 using witchcraft, but was never exiled. To this day, people still believe that William Frontflip had copied John Backflip's invention.

Person 1: Did you know William Frontflip copied John Backflip?
Person 2: Of course, what an asshole.

by Jadenettegatoenjoyer11111 August 14, 2024