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sans sheriff

Lawless use of fonts or typography, with no regard to aesthetics or legibility

I'm putting this CV straight in the bin. Written totally sans sheriff.

by Jamarley July 4, 2019

4👍 1👎

chunder down under

An Aussie tradition, in which someone vomits in the dunny of a local pub, having spent a morning at Bunnings, consumed 3-4 Aussie tacos , drunk extensive amounts of cheap tap beer and prior to visiting the local rips (strip club).

Mate 1: Where’s James, mate?
Mate 2: Strewth mate, he’s in the fucken dunny having a chunder down under.
Mate 1: Well tell him to hurry up, we’re gonna miss happy hour at Kittens.

by Jamarley July 12, 2019

pillow menu

The precise list of sexual activities to which an individual is willing to consent

'We could have had fun, but a Dirty Nick was not on his pillow menu'

by Jamarley July 4, 2019

get that biscuit out

An expression that means to 'treat someone right' that can be used in a number of contexts:

1. Generous hospitality, such serving up good food, or sprucing up your home ahead of visiting guests.

2. Paying someone, especially if the payment is overdue.

3. Sexual favours.

Anglo-Australian phrase, popularised in Melbourne

Example 1

Friend 1: 'Got a girl coming round this weekend.'
Friend 2: 'The one with the cute face? Better get that biscuit out.'

Example 2

Friend 1: 'Mate, we going to this concert or what?'
Friend 2: 'Yeah but if you want to come, you better get that biscuit out.'

by Jamarley May 16, 2019


Australian street term for the citrus fruit 'mandarin'.

Mate 1: Want a mandy?
Mate 2: Nah, I've already popped a few today.

by Jamarley September 17, 2019

Aussie taco

An Australian delicacy, consisting of a single folded slice of plain white bread, filled with a sausage (snag) and topped with a choice of onions, cheese, tomato sauce or mustard. Often consumed in the car park of a hardware shop.

Not to be confused with the Australia Taco.

“Mate, wanna grab a feed for brekky?”
“Nah, already had a coupla Aussie tacos down at Bunnings while I was getting a new dunny for the outhouse”

by Jamarley July 19, 2019