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Social justice warrior

A person who pretends to be fighting for social justice but in reality is consumed by or a disire for.

* Moral superiority
* Validation from their peers.
* A hatred of anyone with dissenting views.
* A need to destroy or disrupt anything that wasn't build for or by people, that share their gender, race, sexuality ect.

They tend to be left wing, brainwashed to hate the "Evil White man". possibly because it's the only entity they can hate with complete moral impunity.

Ironically they are not very social, they don't fight for justice, and they are not warriors.

S.J.W - Star Wars has too many straight White men, where are all the black, disabled, trans lesbians?

Normal person - Darth Vader was Black, disabled! And he transitioned to dark side! How do you know he doesn't identify as a lesbian? You Sir/Mam are an SJW.

by JamieJoeJustice January 12, 2021

794👍 943👎

Trump derangement syndrome

Trump derangement syndrome
A.K.A - T.D.S

A mental illness, where a person has been become deranged by their hatred of Donald Trump. The symptoms being

* Loss of rational thought.
* Screaming at the sky.
* Believing Trump is literally Hitler.
* Seeing Nazi's everywhere.
* Apocalyptic thoughts of the world ending
* Inability to perceive anything good that Trump does.
* Uncontrollable sobbing every time they see or hear Trump.

Trump just cured cancer!"

Trump derangement syndrome sufferer - AHHHHHHH Trump murdered cancer!!! He's evil!!! Wahhhhhh

by JamieJoeJustice October 7, 2020

8995👍 473👎