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Errol & Wife


Errol & Wife you two are mine & my man's besties🤗 we have the utmost love & respect

for you as a couple.Errol I've known you in excess of 5yrs now.You & my friend/sister are

so good for each other your families get on

so well I couldn't have asked God for better

people i enjoy spending time with you guys.I know every couple goes through struggles

you just need to communicate better so do

we really I know you love her endlessly & my friend/sister loves you too,but some advice

for you both keep what ever you go through in

your marriage between yourselves as there are

a lot of so called friends especially younger ones trying to destroy your marriage. If you argue or fight it's still your marriage to work through not theirs.You have been together almost 9yrs now don't let bad mind people pretending to be friends of yours or hers into you private lives

A psychic has told me a younger woman tried to breakup your marriage as she has unhealthy obsession with you from a long time ago your mistake you reconnected with the person.
Understand your marriage is sacred between a husband & wife for better for worse even if you get mad at each other😄One suggestion go out as a couple more often I'm scared someone is trying to get your wife to leave you out of spite.
That person isn't a friend she's done something
Love you both 💕🙏🏾

Errol & Wife are the most humblest people you're ever likely to meet.

by Janet21 March 8, 2023

Errol & Wife

Errol & Wife
For my friend Errol & his gorgeous wife.
I want to wish you both a beautiful

Valentine's Day.I can't think of a happier

or more blessed couple than you
I love you both & wish you well so all

the HATERS & HAS BEENS can fuck off

out of their lives..
Please get a life of your own

Errol & Wife.

A beautiful couple with big hearts 💕 I love them🙏🏽

by Janet21 February 14, 2023



It was a hot night the Wife got out the bath after coming home from work,she had one ting pon her mind all day she wanted to work dat tight pum pum all over her OZBAND COCK till the two a dem was mixing cum,but it never came as Henry failed to raise him head🥒 just too much WEED...
A man muss make it him business to bust COCK under him Wife everyday start small then build up it's a ur marriage or well Wife will get it elsewhere or you could just do a OPEN marriage it would a happier you Wife could FUCK all day everyday with whomever she wants just member say you a CHEAT we know most tings
I-Man love My Sweet Empress,but everyone av to live too please don't get jealous of wat mi say less sucking more fucking a the key

When a SEXY strong black woman dat's always WET between her legs (Eveready)marries a Man who bragg bout how him can meet her sexual needs fails to deliver the COCK to the Pum Pum hard it's Erroltilediscfunction...

by Janet21 July 2, 2023

Errol a two pump chump

Errol couldn'tmanage to do the job at

hand.This isn't good for any woman,but
worse especially if she's married to him

I would think,what a disappointment 🤫

Errol a two pump chump

By the looks of things my man needs to be applying pressure to himself, it's not any woman's fault if it don't get up..
Just saying!

by Janet21 February 9, 2023

Errol or Whatever

You don't know me I'm here to educate you on how to be a man faithful husband & give your wife your best in your marriage.I read your very childish post & it fills me with disgust to see a black man with a good black woman a stoop

so low. You seem to have a problem with your behavior & if this is your way of letting all of us including your own kids know you're having an AFFAIR congratulations you're one very stupid old man.You have daughter to don't you is this what you did to them mom? Big embarrassment grow up you seem to want a WIFE & don't know how to be a OZBAND.Learn your WIFE meet her emotional & sexual needs communicate indulge in her fantasies even when you don't want to life isn't just all about sucking pussy & cocky be spontaneous you prefer WIFE cheat?You have trouble with you front.You have problem with commitment you cheated in previous relationships it's apparent,but I gon stop you cause anymore damage & bring SHAME on you family including you WIFE.Sit & talk with her pay attention to how she's feeling notice her learn her she don't need a carer awaken fire in you wife she has plenty.Change you nasty ways keep your marriage private grow old together it can be don you can't serve two Master leave outside FLESH alone it is an abomination on to Jah go read your Bible & humble youself.These is perilous times Big Man stop contacting who ever your involved with your phone records not hard to pull & your life will come crashing down.


Errol or Whatever

by Janet21 March 7, 2023

2👍 1👎

Errol's World

When a man's own stupidity & inability to

deal with his DEMONS causes him to lose

his relationship or engage in sexual deviant

behaviour with people he shouldn't.

Errol's World

Errol couldn't see the danger ahead of him

by Janet21 February 9, 2023

My Sweet Jamaican Empress

Memories of you invade my mind as I sat today remembering our time at(Rick's Cafe)watching the SUNSET,you were all ways hot & had the most amazing smile could light up any room,man a stare at you like waa 😛
I was so happy when we were together not like the women nowadays too materialistic you really knew how to love & be loved you never once left me wanting anybaddy else. I could build with you & even if wi was dirt poor a you me still would wan be with.

Cottage in Negril was we song & all ways remind me of you 🥰My Sweet Empress you really knew how to put it on me in all WAYS we craved each other I don't know about everyone else 4 times a day we use to say it was all de fish I man a eat LOL.You were & still are the most SEXIEST woman I ever met. Hope he knows what to do with all dat sexiness..I don't know how Jah made someone so beautiful & perfect for me I all ways thought we would sekkle down have the kids then live nuff life as we a com fram far
Mon a UK don't know how to love & cherish them woman especially the ones who trade places. The black woman is the mother of all creation My beautiful Black Queen be prouda you self & you culture you a the realist that is why I man love you All Ways no matter what

Yuh a goodas!

My Sweet Jamaican Empress

by Janet21 March 2, 2023