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Legit thee most BEST GIRL IN DA WORLD. I should know cus that's my name. ANYWAYS, all jazmine's are ADORABLE. No matter what their race or ethnicity is. Some jazz's go through an emo stage but lets be honest here , they'll still look ADORABLE whoever breaks up with a girl named jazmine is EXTREMELY stupid like my ex B0b. Plus not to be confused with: jasmine jasmin jazmin or jazlynn or anything else that doesn't have that silent "E" or has an "S" in the name. AND STOP SPELLING OUR NAME WRONG IT'S JAZMINE get it right liberal

B0b: hey, I broke up with jazmine
Friend: you're so stupid wtf. She cared and loved you! How could you do this?
B0b: yeah, imma just give her a panic attack and make her hate me cus i'm stupid lol

by Jazzsaxx8 October 7, 2019

17👍 1👎