Aid is a real G.he know all the information and can spill all of it.he is nice but also very violent at the same time.he is also known to be sexy.oooo he turns me on baby
Babyyyy Aid
Aid is a real G.he know all the information and can spill all of it.he is nice but also very violent at the same time.he is also known to be sexy.oooo he turns me on baby
He is so sexy
Thatâs totally an Aid
Aid is a real G.he gets all the information and can spill all of it.he is a nice but at the same time a very violent person.he likes to meet new people.he is also known to be sexy.oooo yes he turns me on baby
Oooo he is so sexy
Thatâs totally Aid
Aid is a real G.he know all the information and he can spill all of it.he is nice but at the same time violent.he is also know to be sexy and he turns me on baby
Oooo he is so sexy
He is totally Aid