A master of movements. He probably can be in the Matrix.
Juah Funkio Bensin (He is Chinese) : I want to be a Excentra when I grow up! (he said that in a Chinese accent)
Is what we all hate. Its basically being in prison for kids.
Arty : Dude you know we have to take our ELEM exam in school tomorrow?
Me : I know, high school is tiring man.
Jake : Yeah bro, I had to also catch up on my Point Percentages homework yesterday.
Phil the nerd : You guys are exaggerating. School isn't that bad.
Arty : Maybe not for you Phil, because you're a complete nerd.
Jake and Me : (Laughing so hard)
Phil : Hey that's nothing to make fun of.
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When you are wrong...WRONG...WRONG...WRONG...WRONG...WRO- basically when you say something that is incorrect in front of a Hispanic or African-American person they'll probably correct you and then make you realize how unintelligent you are by saying, "Jokes on you."
European: Shrek Memes are not funny
African-American: *pulls out phone*
Hispanic: *gives the European a you're kidding me look*
African-American: *shows the European a meme of Shrek naked in the shower*
European: huh maybe Shrek memes are funny
African-American and Hispanic together: Jokes on you
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