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Literally the greatest guy you will ever meet. If you get a chance to be with him keep him.

Person: you see that guy?
Person #2: yeah who is that?
Person #3: that has to be Colin.

by Jeff_The_Killer❤ April 19, 2017

161👍 41👎


An amazingly beautiful girl who will do anything to make you happy. She will always be there for you whenever you need her. She has a hard time opening up to people so if she trusts you, you're special to her. If she texts you all day and all night feel special. She has been through a lot and has trouble trusting people. If you find a Jaiden, keep her. You'll never understand how much you truly need her until she's gone. She believes that everyone deserves a second chance and will forgive you. If she ignores you, you've truley messed up.

Guy: Is your name Jaiden?
Jaiden: Yeah, how'd know?
Guy: Just the way you look. So beautiful.

by Jeff_The_Killer❤ January 17, 2017

158👍 42👎