Source Code

Wet Softball

An occupational hazard that occurs rarely when climbing any flight of stairs. When a Wet Softball happens to appear near any stairs, those stairs will become unavailable and unsafe for the following 6 days. Attempting to climb these stairs will result in near-death injury. They can be caused manually by obtaining a dry softball, and covering it in liquid. This is not recommended, as any stairs in the immediate vicinity of the creation of the Wet Softball will be closed off.

Joe: That's weird. Those stairs are blocked off.
Bob: Of course. A Wet Softball was spotted near them.
Joe: Ah, yes. Wet Softballs are dangerous.

by Jeffalooboo June 4, 2020


it used to mean "i hope i get this three-pointer" but now it means "i hope i dont die in this helicopter ride"

Joe: Gee, I hope we don't die in this helicopter!
Bob: Kobe!

by Jeffalooboo February 27, 2020