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The act to bastardize a beloved franchise by remaking/rebooting said franchise to add far-Left ideologies (non-White Race swapping, Heterophobic acts, Anti-Capitalism, Misandry, Neo-Feminism, etc) that results in making a movie, game, show and so on into a political movement that results in the movie becoming a commercial disaster and leads to fans to hate what they once loved.

A large usage of Wokeing is by making a 'Strong Female Character' the sole focus; who can do everything several times better than the male leads, and is always the center of attention (e.g: Rey Palpatine, Capt. Marvel, Fa Mulan (2020)).

Person (A): Have you heard about that new Tomb Raider series? It's being worked on by Phoebe Waller Bridge.
Person (B): Oh great, so she's 'wokeing' that as well? She already ruined and emasculated James Bond and Han Solo. Guess I better get ready to see how she ruin Lara Croft.

by Jeijay June 15, 2023

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