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high school

A shithole that everyone must go to every day, from 7:30 in the morning to 3:00 in the afternoon, every week, for almost 10 months. These days, high school is a fucking pain in the ass. First you must deal with fitting in and actually making some fucking friends. You need to deal with your old friends changing and acting like an ass towards you. At the same time, if you actually give two shits about getting a decent job when you're older, you must focus on your studies and make sure you get the best marks possible. If you're sick as a fucking dog and have to stay home for a week, the teachers have absolutely zero sympathy for you. You miss shitloads of handouts, assignments and lengthy notes that in no way can you work on at home. You must find out what homework you missed by calling about 5 fucking different people and attempt to catch up WHILE dealing with your illness. If you tell your teacher that you were sick and couldn't think properly, they will just shout at you and punish you accordingly. You fucking kill yourself trying to understand that cursed bit of math that your teacher never explained to you because you were away. You freak out and end up hitting the sac at 1 in the motherfucking morning. Meanwhile, you are trying to cope with a tight, phlegmy throat that is fucking annoying and won't go away. A part of you wants to go to school the next day and not miss out on any more shitty work, and another part of you wants to stay home, heal some more, and have a blast playing video games. You freak out some more, toss a few things around and shed a few tears. Then you eventually calm down.

Some people consider high school a breeze; others do not. For some it is the most treacherous thing they can think about; for others it is exciting and enjoyable. All in all, teachers suck, students suck, assignments suck, homework sucks, handouts suck, being ill sucks, and as a whole, the chore known as school is the fucking scum of the earth.

Johnny gets sick Sunday night and stays home Monday and Tuesday. He tries his best to call his friends and catch up on as much work as possible. On Wednesday, he departs for his high school and has the worst day of his life. His teachers were an ass towards him and he now has shitloads of work to do. Johnny wishes school never existed.

by Jelloer September 25, 2007

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