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A “Simmons” is a Scrooge-like individual, carrying many qualities that range from the following: being a little bitch, virgin, loud/obnoxious, ugly, and a strong reiteration on the bitch quality. To be called a Simmons is one of the most vial, disgusting, panic inducing, gut wrenching, heart breaking, hate crime a person can commit. Please, soon to be fathers and mothers, Do NOT raise your child into being a Simmons.

“That guy was so weird, what a Simmons!”
“Look at that guy! I bet he’s a Simmons for sure”
“Hey You! Nice middle part…SIMMONS!”

by JellySplat October 23, 2023


When someone disrespects you on the road, so you cum in a napkin and throw it at their windshield.

He cut me off so I gave him a splat-by.

by JellySplat October 28, 2021