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A rather annoying word whose use in certain situations has greatly increased recently.

Kind of like the word "shit," "fail" is used by people who don't stop to think of a better word to use, making them pretty much useless to society.

A kid falls off a bike.
Douche bag: Fail!
Person that can think rationally: Stop saying "fail" at people who weren't even trying to succeed at anything in the first place.

by JerseyKid April 23, 2008

1643👍 944👎

the river

The Delaware River

Used by people who frequently cross into New Jersey into Pennsylvania or vice versa via bridge over the Delaware River.

Person 1: So how far away are you moving?
Person 2: Oh, a little closer to the river; my commute to work in New Jersey will be shorter.

by JerseyKid February 17, 2008

30👍 16👎