used to draw attention to an object, word or sentance, usually said by yourself.
Commenly assosiated with urban-slang. Though can be used by anyone who lives near or in a state that has a city that people five(min) states away have heard of.
Overdoing it makes you a candyass.
Yo responsably.
"Yo man, you down?"
10👍 11👎
when one falls and lands alone- usually on pavement or concrete.
"Did you hear about the office worker who commited suicide friday? Yeh,,he just it the ground like splat!"
59👍 41👎
1. used to smother in the shame by skillful implementing of irony when someone messes up.
Or- You be a sarcastic asshat and dig it in when one of your buddies fucks up.
2. A guy who think's he's cool, but usually isn't, and might be more cool if he didn't try to be.
our buddy's walking down stairs with a pizza, and it slips out of his hands and falls; cheese down; onto the floor.
Your response: "Smooth move, slick!"
"Hey slick! You get rejected AGAIN? Ha"
70👍 69👎
German for "hail"
Sometimes used to express the opinion that someone's a fasist/nazi usually combined with the traditonal Nazi-era salute (raising one's right arm at a straight diagonal infront of them}
380👍 93👎
1. When you fall on someone. Usually from a distance. Not to be confused with "going splat"
2. The noise made by an object falling into your slushie.
"Keith fell off the balcony and landed on Malcom with a splut"
"What did you put in there!? Don't lie! Don't lie! I heard it go 'splut'!"
8👍 14👎