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The fear of a unicorn following you or even hugging you.

"Ahh it's a unicorn! Don't you look at me (cries)"

If you see someone who screams that it probably means they are either mental or da da daaaaaa have unitornia

by Jesuslover25 June 14, 2014


The feeling of when you cannot decide whether or not you are cold or hot. You go outside and you cant decide if you want to wear your jacket or naw.

"Man im so chot I dont even know if i need this stupid jacket or naw. oh no."

by Jesuslover25 June 13, 2014

6👍 3👎


An irrational fear of lips.

"Keep those lips from me. I have lipphoria!"

by Jesuslover25 June 14, 2014