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Short version of packeties.

Normally a women addicted to meth and will fuck and suck anyone that will give her a pt or a washie. They're so desperate to get something that she would leave her kids in a hot parked car while she's insides some strange dudes home being fucked by 3 morts so she can get a red.

" Meth Face Maria is is fiending a red dude, imma bring her around..."

"Don't! She's a dirt old packet that will rinse you of your shards when you frank out. The only thing she'll leave behind is her uncapped used fit on your bed which you'll then roll onto, get jabbed and now you have hep c."

by JewSoul April 5, 2020

24👍 13👎


Smacket is a portmanteau of the words Samantha/Sammy/ Sam and Packet.

Packets are usually women that will only fuck you if you have drugs or a washie.

To call someone a Smacket they have to be named Samantha, Sammy or Sam.

Smackets aren't human, they will lure you in with their good looks and ability to put drugs up their ass but be wary of their extremely manipulative, dishonest and toxic behaviour.

If you ever ask a Smacket how they ended up with that name they will lie and say "it's because boys like to smacket me. Hehehe" but you know it's really because she's dtf if you got a packet.

Never leave anything valuable around this type of creature since they are known to have sticky fingers

If you love living a stress free life, your freedom, being sane and having a good reputation then avoid all smackets like a plague because they live to ruin anything postive in your life.

"man did you hear what happened to Tom last night? He was over smacket causing drama outside his home so he went to stay at his family's for a couple days just for a break. Smacket then hunted him down and called him from every single payphone until she got to his family's place and proceeded to live in a bush outside while accusing him of cheating over txt."

" Oh woah, I didn't know she was in a relationship with Tom?! I literally saw her at Tim's place 2 nights ago franking out and begging to be put on a spit! she's something putrid! "

by JewSoul July 21, 2024