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Grammatical Pedantry Syndrome

A fake syndrome created in a joke blog by Dennis Baron of the University of Illinois. Many people were fooled by Baron, as the article heavily uses scientific jargon, making it appear like a legitimate piece of scientific literature, but the actual text includes a litany of linguistic jokes and signs that it is actually a hoax. Also, anyone with a basic understanding of OCD would be able to tell that the purported symptoms of "GPS" are dissimilar to actual OCD symptoms; OCD is an anxiety disorder defined by intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors, not a need for order or structure.

Grammatical Pedantry Syndrome is a load of baloney, however I do have Memetic Veracity Syndrome; that is, the need to correct false information (particularly contained in memes) on the internet.

by Jimbeezy4sheezy December 14, 2017

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