An evil machine device which pushes up ones weapons of mass pleasure to a high level, encouraging you to take off the bra before they pop out and so you can touch em, but the evil thing prevents you from getting to the boobies in a hurry, so my advice, carry scissors to injure this evil foe.
baby evil mass destruction = bralette
Daveo- Last night i was stalking sarah and the blooming slut caught me so she took of 'er top and her boobies were gunna plonk out eny minute yer? and i wanted to touch em mate wanted to feel em up real good yerr? and so i tried ta undo the lil thingy-ma-jig and the kunt of a evil machine bra woudnt let me bludy basterd mate blurdy bastrd.
Jimbo - Aw no mate what a waste of good titties
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