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1. A record company that has signed many brilliant bands such as Sgt.Peppers, the Sex Pistols and the Beatles. Unfortunately they dropped the Sex Pistols because they were too 'dangerous'. Pfft.

2. A song by the Sex Pistols (who they happened to drop).

There's an ulimited supply,
And there is no reason why,
I tell you it was all a frame,
They only did it cos the fame !
Who ?


by Jimmy Kickarse July 12, 2006

138πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


A country that's incredibly fun to be in because it's not quite European, but not quite Asian either.

If through some crazy events Asia and Europe went to war, they'd both bomb Turkey.

by Jimmy Kickarse August 19, 2006

2149πŸ‘ 1158πŸ‘Ž


1. (a) Something that is incredibly large.

2. (a) Something which is amazingly cool.

1. That tree is monster!

2. The game last night was monster!

by Jimmy Kickarse July 15, 2006

13πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


First seen in a football anthem by New Order, Eng-ger-land is what the English sometimes chant at football matches because it's easier to say (it just rolls off the toungue).

Eng-ger-land, Eng-ger-land, Eng-ger-land, NA NA!

by Jimmy Kickarse July 12, 2006

36πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

African American

A politically correct term used in the United States for a black person. A black person could be 100% English but still be called African American by an American, even though they're neither African nor American.

American: "Look, it's an African American!"
Englishman: "I'm English, you dumbarse."

by Jimmy Kickarse October 15, 2006

552πŸ‘ 578πŸ‘Ž


What mostly young emos use in their MSN names/MySpace profiles either side of their their girl/boyfriend's name to let them know that they love them, which they most usually don't. Apparently the more 3s you use the more you love them. People also sometimes write that they love their partners inside the love hearts, which doesn't really make sense. It also looks like a pair of balls and a dick or an ice-cream.




by Jimmy Kickarse July 12, 2006

47πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


The United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland. Not interchangeable with England. Once had an Empire that spanned a quarter of the Earth, but through various circumstances lost most of it, but still remains the country with the most oversea territories. USA's greatest ally, yet according to the previous definitions the two countries hate eachother. Situated in Europe. Has a Prime-minister who does what ever Bush says. One of the most powerful/influentual countries in the world.

The UK totally kicked Argentina's arse when the latter invaded the Falkland Islands.

by Jimmy Kickarse August 20, 2006

317πŸ‘ 611πŸ‘Ž