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when i first got my ipod for my birthday about 7 months ago i could honestly say i thought it was good. The only problem was the battery life- it lasted about 2 hours. However, 6 months down the line, even more problems are coming up. Battery life has decreased to about an hour, the abstard thing won't let me add new songs and has a shitload of scratches. The songs keep freezing and skipping or restarting. So now i will have 2 fork out another 200 quid 2 replace the bastard.

Please, people do not buy an Ipod.

by Jimre™ August 9, 2005

670👍 453👎

human hiroshima

When one drops a rather colossal and odourous shit. It makes a mushroom shaped splash.

Lewis- "Man I just dumped a human hiroshima in your toilet Jamie!"

Jamie- "You bastard lewis you will kill us all"

by Jimre™ August 8, 2005

13👍 2👎