A jesture made when someone has anxiety or unsure of making a decision. The movement of hands into mouth , chewing on hands, or folded similar to likes of nintendo Mario character Toad.
Jimmy: I asked Stacy to join me naked in the spare bedroom.
Gary: She's hot for you I'm surprised she got toadhands.
The negative vibes, impressions, or feelings people can impose on you. They are usually bad and hard to get rid of. There is no known reason on why some people are more sensitive to receiving them.
Jimmy-Hey Ronnie! I feel like shit. I ran into my ex-girlfriend at the train.
Ronnie-How is she doing?
Jinmy - Terrible. She was sad about life. Dropped a ton of psychic STDs on me.
Similar to friends with benefits but brought to a more serious level. Two persons that have somewhat of a romantic relationship. There is emotion, respect, acceptance, attention, and sex but there is no restrictions on having other sexual partners or dating other people. Usually the persons in a friends without borders relationship give each other more attention and priority than anyone else if they are dating. There is no restrictions or rules on when to see each other, sex, or talk about the future together. Could be a romantic relationship where the parties are too scared to admit they love each other. There usually a connection that is amazing that they do not want to destroy by being exclusive.
Jimmy and Jaime are talking nonsense in the corner at the party staring into each others eyes again. What a great couple.
They are friends without borders stupid.
A group of people that stop or disrupt sexual acts from happening.
Hey man. It was a great time, until those gatekeepers that live across the street were just standing there. Just watching me go down on Nicole.
an incredible woman that has a shade of red hair. this is one you squeeze and never let go. she's beautiful understanding and is epitomizes inner strength. she can walk through the running of the bulls with red hair and survive.
Jill: where's Heather? I miss her.
Jack: I like to refer to her as raspberry delite. she's probably being awesome somewhere awesome. I miss her tΓΒ³o.
A bisexual woman that has touched you immensely in a emotional or/and sexual way and you feel robbed of something materially or emotionally. You may not know of what she took and dont know what gang she is affiliated to in terms of sexuality.
Mike: I had the best sex of my life with Jill last night. I am missing my watch though.
Chris: I thought she was gay. She is such a bisexual bandit.
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When a male finally realizes that a woman is extremely attractive and magical in many ways. She has blonde hair, soft skin, and demands sexual attention. She swims in and out of your life over time if her fish type sonar radar feels something off.
Jimmy: I'm seeing Krista again. She's more amazing then I remember.
John: She threw you off ?
Jimmy: Yes, total mermaid surprise.
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