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A baddd ass bitch 😩😩

“Whos that girl over there? shes fine asfk”
“Oh thats mallory”

by Jiooooop November 20, 2023


A fatass ugly nigga that doesnt know how to shut the fuck up . Eats way too much burgers a day and always thinks hes the hottest shit but really is fat asf and smells like wet dog .

“Oh that one fat bitch is coming”
“Who cayden???”

by Jiooooop November 19, 2023


A fatass nigga that doesnt know when to shut the fuck up . Always thinks hes the hottest shit but really is ugly asf and smells like wet dog .

“That one fat bitch is coming”

“who cayden???”

by Jiooooop November 19, 2023